Great Reasons To Work From Home

# Great Reasons to Work from Home Great reasons to work from home after the pandemic. So many parents, in particular women, are finding it harder in the UK to maintain a full time job. One of the reasons is because of rising child care costs. This has been echoed today by the Guardian with […]
Mum Travels from New Deli India to Learn 3d Lifecasting

# 3D Casting Training with student from India The start of 2018 was an exciting time. I was about to do my first 3D Casting Training with student Trisha from India. Trisha was travelling over 8,000 to the studio from New Dehli, India. She would learn how to create some precious memories over 3 1/2 […]
Student travels from Germany to attend 3D Casting Workshop

# STUDENT TRAVELS FROM GERMANY TO ATTEND 3D CASTING WORKSHOP Jennifer travelled thousands of miles from Germany why? To attend several of my workshops over a period of one week. Jennifer is one of a growing number of mums who have had children. She then faced crossroads in her life of not knowing what to […]